Friday, August 22, 2014

The week so far (humid nightmare)

It's Friday, and I hope you're getting down.

This week had it's challenging moments, but I've made it.

Tuesday's 4 miler was Charles Barkley Turrble. 

First, my Garmin refused to turn on, so that was fun. I had to use my MapMyRun app on my phone. It's nice that I have that second option, but it's not my favorite by far. I like to be able to see where I'm at simply by glancing down, and with my phone in my SpiBelt it's just a hassle to unzip and check. Speaking of my SpiBelt, 95% of the time I wear it, I can't even tell it's there. This was not one of those times. For some reason it was bouncing around and being uncomfortable. In fact, "uncomfortable" was just how I'd describe this run. The temperature wasn't too bad from what I remember, but the humidity was soul-destroying. I had to WALK TWICE between miles 2 and 3. Luckily I made it back home about 5 minutes before the monster storm dump that Arizona got to live through this week.

Two bright spots of the run:  

  • Even with babyish walk breaks, I got 4.06 miles in at a 10:41/mi pace. Right at pace time for my 2:20 half goal. YAAAAAAAAAAS.
  • Monday afternoon I had a surprise waiting for me in the mail from my WonderTwin Ashley! My very own Yogitoes Hband! And all I have to say is, it held up PERFECTLY in my disgusting, sweaty humidityfest run. It didn't slip at all! Thank you, thank you, thank you!


Wednesday's speedy treadmill run didn't start off so speedy. Apparently I run way too close to the "emergency stop" bar and I accidentally pressed it. THREE. TIMES. Would you like to know how mad I was? I'm not sure I can describe to you without unleashing the hate of a thousand firey suns. (Hyperbole is one of my strengths.) I ended up going the 5K in 30:27, a 9:49/mi pace. Fast for me! It's just so much easier to run on the treadmill, but so much more BOOOOOORING. Ended with some upper body weights in the weight room. And yes, the weight-hogger was in there and yes, she was wearing pink and white UFC workout clothes. So she's got that going for her.

Yesterday's yoga was of course wonderful. We held some loooooong poses. Will my quads ever not melt and be on fire when I'm holding Warrior?

Today was redemption for the earlier "meh" runs this week. I felt amazing. I took a new route and watched the sun rise over the McDowell's. The clouds were pink cotton candy. It was humid, but cool enough to where it wasn't as debilitating as Tuesday. I had to use MapMyRun again (really praying my Garmin is ready to go tomorrow for my 7-miler) and just estimated where to turn around for my out and back 5K. I turned at exactly 1.5 miles out. Perfect! I ended 3.11 with 10:41, 9:53 and 9:57 splits, for a 10:11 average. I actually thought "aw man, that's it for this morning?" once I got home, which NEVER happens. I wrapped up with some core work.

Like I said, tomorrow's 7-miler is what's on deck for me. Here's to an early wake-up call and negative splits! And no rain, please baby Jesus.



  1. Sorry, you don't get to cry about humidity. Even during monsoon season. Low humidity around here is 65% which is probably twice as high as what you ran in (big baby.) Cute photo of you and Ashley all glamed up for the wedding. I lasted around 12 minutes on the treadmill, ran 5 minutes worth and had to stop as my brain went numb. I'm even in front of a window watching people attempt to park but it's still quite boring.Keep up the good work!

    1. Lay off--my weather app has been saying we're in the 70%-ish range this week! PUKE!

      The huge window in front of the treadmills overlooking the beauty and splendor of Black Bob is a majestic scene.

  2. yay!! your dedication is contagious!

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